8 Job Interview Tips to Prepare for Success

A female job applicant shakes hands with the hiring manager during an interview

Job interviews give you a chance to sell your skills and abilities—they also provide the chance to see if the job and company are right for you. However, because there is a lot on the line, they can be high-stress and anxiety-inducing—especially if it’s your first one. 

The key to a successful job interview is practice and preparation. Keeping it light or following up afterward with a thank you note can help you stand out, but showing up ready to talk about what you bring to the table is what gets you hired. 

In this article, we’re going over our top job interview tips to help you succeed and land the job of your dreams! 

1. Research the Company 

When it comes to job hunting in Canada, knowledge is everything. 

First on our list of tips for preparing for an interview is learning everything you can about the company. Start with digging into their website and social media accounts, looking at the types of work they do and what makes them unique.

You could also ask for an informational interview with current employees to learn more about the company’s culture and operations before you meet with the hiring team. This informal meet and greet could settle any nerves you may have and show your commitment to the opportunity. They may also be kind enough to share any interview tips that are specific to the organization or the role! 

A man in professional attire talking to himself in a mirror

Image Source: Canva

2. Present Yourself Well 

Presentation is key; that’s why it’s at the top of our list of interview tips.

Interviewers will observe many things about you, including your appearance, attitude, and body language. Be clean, neat, and well-groomed. Avoid fabrics that wrinkle easily and pay attention to details, such as missing buttons or loose threads. Few interview preparation tips are as important as taking “dress to impress” to heart. 

Don’t forget to maintain good body language during the interview! Maintain eye contact, avoid slouching, and use open and inviting gestures. Your body language communicates a lot about your attitude and interest in the role.

3. Set Up Your Interview Environment for Success 

When noting down interview tips, it is important to go beyond the usual and create an all-encompassing guide. That’s why our next tip is about the environment of the interview! 

Leaving a lasting impression extends beyond your appearance and grooming. You also want to ensure you’re as prepared as possible by making the interview environment conducive to success. 

For virtual interviews, test your video conferencing software, internet connection, lighting, and audio ahead of time. Having technical difficulties once the interview begins can lead to a poor interview outcome—something you don’t want!

You also want to minimize distractions so you can concentrate on conversing comfortably with the interviewer. You can do this by:

  • Finding a quiet space with a neutral background
  • Keeping water nearby to avoid disruption if you need a drink
  • Mentally rehearsing your answers and 
  • Taking deep breaths to calm your nerves

💡Bonus tip: Remember to be on time—arriving late makes a bad impression! 

4. Fully Participate In the Conversation 

An interview is your chance to show off your positive attitude and communication skills, and there are a few ways to do so: 

  • Use a pen and paper to take notes (rather than a laptop or cell phone)
  • Listen carefully to the questions so you can answer them accurately
  • Take a moment to think before you answer any questions
  • Maintain eye contact with hiring managers throughout the conversation

It’s okay to come back to a question later in the interview if you need more time to think about your answer. What’s most important is to be clear, sincere, and direct.

5. Be Well-Versed With Your Resume 

One of the most important interview tips is to be extremely familiar with your resume. Your interviewer will always ask about your background, and you want to ensure you can speak comfortably and confidently about it.

Bring copies of your resume to reference, but avoid simply repeating verbatim what is written. Be ready to provide specific examples that highlight your skills and experience. This shows the value you brought to past roles and how you can contribute to this new position. 

💡Bonus tip: You can use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) or other interview techniques when explaining professional situations you navigated and the results you achieved. 

6. Practice Answering Interview Questions 

When discussing interview tips, it would be unfair not to mention AI for preparation. Create practice interview scenarios using AI tools to help prepare you for the real deal. By providing the software with the specifics of the job posting, you can create a question bank relevant to the role. 

Prepare your answers for these questions and conduct a mock interview with a friend or on your own. Practicing helps you build your confidence, so make sure to keep this interview tip on your list if you want to ace the real thing! 

Two students at ILAC IC prepare through a mock interview with each other

7. Prepare Questions to Ask the Interviewer 

Another one among often overlooked job interview tips is not prepping for your own questions! Most interviews will wrap up with the interviewer asking if you have any questions for them—don’t pass up this opportunity. It shows you put in effort and it goes a long way toward making a good impression by ending things on a positive note. 

You can ask about the potential day-to-day responsibilities that come with the position, timelines for the hiring process, or clarification on any part of the job description. This also gives you a glimpse into what working in Canada looks like

💡Bonus tip: Prepare more informed questions as this showcases your genuine interest in the company and also speaks to how well you have researched them! 

8. Follow Up and Thank the Interviewers 

Don’t underestimate the power of a thank-you email—this is often covered by the tricks part of the interview tips and tricks, as many candidates ignore this. Make it a habit to send one to the hiring manager and anyone else involved in the interview process. Express your gratitude for their time, show appreciation for the opportunity, and reiterate your interest in the role.

A good rule of thumb to follow is to send an email within 24 to 48 hours of the interview. If you don’t hear back within a week or two or in the period your hiring manager told you, it’s reasonable to send a follow-up email to ask about the status of your application.

If you are rejected for the role, try to get feedback on why and how you could improve for future interviews. Don’t take it personally, learn from the experience, and apply that feedback going forward!

Turn These Interview Tips and Tricks Into a Job Offer 

These job interview tips are here to help you succeed and calm the nerves that come with being interviewed. First impressions matter—follow these recommendations to look confident, capable, and like a good fit for the position! 

At ILAC International College, we’re all about supporting our students’ career progression in Canada. Our career services not only support the job search and connect you with Canadian employers while studying but also assist you with job interview coaching, additional interview tips, and resume clinics to ensure you’re fully prepared to excel anywhere you go.

Invest in your future and join a supportive community dedicated to your success when you study at ILAC International College!

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